We have the ability to index, cut, and print tabs in a wide range of formats and Mylar tab colors to produce a crisp, well-organized, and attractive final product.

  • Choose from more than 20 Mylar tab colors.
  • Specify your tab style (index or bottom) and tab count and we cut to your exact specifications. The standard index tab extension is 1/2”.
  • Tab with shoulders are most economical (min. 3/8” to the head and foot of the page), allowing us to automatically punch and bind the job fully collated.
  • For tab jobs without shoulders, we can pre-punch then gather, or punch and hand insert the tabs.
  • When signatures are gathered and trimmed, tabbed sheets must be hand inserted lest the tab extension be trimmed off. Covers are generally not included in the book block unless the cover is to be the same size as the sheets with tabs exposed.


What Our Customers Say

Thank you for being so awesome to work with again this year on the Guides & Planners! We very much appreciate your accommodating our fast turns and even exceeding our schedules in most cases! You guys are the best, and we love your new equipment addition! Thank you, again!

Innova intends on working with Binding Edge in the future, and I personally will endorse your company without hesitation as opportunity arises. Thanks again for the terrific experience.